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    • Product Info
      The Skin Of The Vulva Is Ten Times More Permeable(Absorbent) Than The Keratinized Skin Of The Rest Of Your Body. So even though our herbal yoni wash is to not enter the vagina whatever you put on the vulva penetrates and effects the vagina. Our Yoni Wash Is Formulated With 100% Natural Ingredients Plus Herbs And Is Artisan Made With Real Soap Methods As Opposed To Chemical Manufacturing. This Ensures A Positive Reaction Resulting In A Fresh, Itch-Free, Moist, Discharge Free, Happy Yoni.
    • When to use?
      Necessary usage includes before and after intercourse, after menstrual cycle as well as times of bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections. The Antibacterial Yoni Wash is a preventive and active remedy.
    • How to use?
      Our Yoni Wash is formulated for safe cleansing of both keratinized and nonkeratinized epithelium/skin of the vulva. Gently cleanse the labia majora and labia minora. Please note that though the vagina has self cleansing functionalities, the vulva does not and should be cleansed regularly.
    • Usage during pregnancy?
      Yes. All of our yoni washes are safe for usage during pregnancy.
    • Age range?
      At the start of menstruation.
    • Ingredients
      Only 6 Ingredients: Saponified Olive Oil, Water, Manuka Honey, Herbal Blend, Glycerin, Guar Gum
    • Product Info
      Did you know? The Skin Of The Vulva Is Ten Times More Permeable(Absorbent) Than The Keratinized Skin Of The Rest Of Your Body. So even though our herbal yoni wash is to not enter the vagina whatever you put on the vulva penetrates and effects the vagina. Our Yoni Wash Is Formulated With 100% Natural Ingredients Plus Herbs And Is Artisan Made With Real Soap Methods As Opposed To Chemical Manufacturing. This Ensures A Positive Reaction Resulting In A Fresh, Itch-Free, Moist, Discharge Free, Happy Yoni.
    • When to use?
      Necessary usage includes before and after intercourse, after menstrual cycle as well as times of bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections. The Spermicide Yoni Wash is a preventive and active remedy.
    • How to use?
      Our Yoni Wash is formulated for safe cleansing of both keratinized and nonkeratinized epithelium/skin of the vulva. Gently cleanse the labia majora and labia minora. Please note that though the vagina has self cleansing functionalities, the vulva does not and should be cleansed regularly.
    • Usage during pregnancy?
      Yes. All of our yoni washes are safe for usage during pregnancy.
    • Age range?
      At the start of menstruation.
    • Ingredients
      Only 6 Ingredients: Saponified Coconut Oil, Mint Hydrosol, Glycerin, Neem, Mint, Xanthum Gum
    • What is Estro Tea?
      Our Estro Tea combines aphrodisiac herbs that boost libido and arousal. Libido is the medical term for sex drive. The sex drive is heavily impacted by hormonal regulation. Three key herbs in our formula include: Damiana: Increased sexual desire More orgasms Greater clitoral sensitivity Enhanced lubrication Blue Vervain: Improves Mood- Works with the nervous system to decrease occasional symptoms of anxiety and depression by lowering the stress hormone cortisol which depletes sex hormones and mood (sex drive) Marshmallow Root: This mucilaginous compound in marshmallow root helps in retaining moisture and soothing dry, irritated tissues. It supports the mucous membranes' health, which assists in maintaining the vaginal lining's hydration and resilience. Vaginal thrush Marshmallow root can strengthen the mucous membranes in the vagina, which can help with vaginal thrush. Urinary tract infections Marshmallow root has antibacterial properties that can help fight infections in the urinary tract. It can also soothe bladder inflammation and stop urinary bleeding. Skin irritation Marshmallow root has anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve skin irritation.
    • How long does it take?
      Good news! Liquid reaches the blood stream faster than supplements. Our Estro tea takes 15-20 minutes to take effect and intensifies throughout intercourse. Key effects to look for include: Reduced stress levels Increased sensations Increased moistness
    • Why our Estro Tea?
      The vulva should be 2-3 times its resting size before penetration. Our Estro tea is formulated to assist essentially as a foreplay tea to help prepare the mind and body through hormonal regulation. If you struggle with to vaginal dryness, low libido due to stress, trauma or aging, painful sex and/or lack of clitorial sensation this is the tea for you.
    • Ingredients
      Damiana, Blue Vervain, Marshmallow Root, Hibiscus, Rose, Cinnamon
    • What is Yoni Steaming?
      Yoni steaming is an ancient, ancestral method of feminine hygiene that dates back centuries. Many cultures from the women of Sudan, China all the way to India utilize vaginal steaming to this day which is a true testament to its effectiveness. Benefits include: Detoxify The Womb And Remove Toxins, Odor and Infections Relief From Painful Sex Heal From Emotional Or Sexual Trauma Reduce Uterine Fibroids, Ovarian Cysts Pcos, Uterine Weakness And Prolapse, & Endometriosis. Assist With The Healing Of Hemorrhoids Relieve Chronic Yeast Infections And Uti's Ease Menopausal Symptoms Including Dryness Or Pain During Intercourse Release Stored Emotions Postpartum Recovery By Aiding In The Repair Of Vaginal Tears, Episiotomy, Or C- Section Scars
    • How to use?
      Allow herbs to steep in boiling hot water for at least 30 minutes. Reheat herbs until steam point. Pour herbs into the yoni steam seat. Allow the steam to cool to your liking. Vaginal steam for 20-30 minutes. Instructions included with every purchase.
    • Age range?
      Typically 14 and up; however ages may range 7 and up. Yoni steaming is a powerful method of detoxing the womb and uterus. For this reason, we recommend beginning usage for the following reasons: Fibroid, Cyst, Endometriosis diagnosis Menorrhagia/Heavy Menstrual Flow Healing for Sexual Abuse/Trauma Chronic BV or Yeast Infections
    • Usage during pregnancy?
    • Postpartum usage?
      Yes. Vaginal steaming for postpartum recovery is an excellent option! Benefits include faster perineal healing and closing of the womb. Others include quickly shrinking hemorrhoids, reduced length of bleeding, fewer clots and lighter flow. Begin 3-4 days after childbirth and steam everyday for 7 days or until Lochia stops. If you have severe tearing or delivered via cesarean wait 6 weeks or until stitches dissolve to begin steaming.
    • Benefits for Menopause?
      Our menopause blend is an interchangeable remedy for steaming and blending. Benefits includes: Increases blood flow lubrication heat to the reproductive organs Instructions will be provided with purchase for drinking the herbs as well for the following: Hot flashes Night sweats Sleep disturbances Vaginal dryness
    • Miscarriage usage?
      Yes. The healing process after a miscarriage is a significant and emotionally charged journey. Yoni steaming is a cultural method for helping to close the womb. Must not have any bleeding before steaming.
    • Shower before or after?
      For hygienic purposes we recommend cleansing the vulva with one of our yoni washes before and after yoni steaming and bathing for the most effective experience.
    • Usage during birth control?
      Vaginal steaming may be useful to help with birth control side effects and is not typically hormonal; however listen to your body and consult with your birth control administrator.
    • When NOT to yoni steam?
      Do not yoni steam while pregnant or directly while menstruating. Must not have any bleeding before steaming.
    • Effect fertility?
      We do provide our fertility booster blend; however we do not carry yoni steam blends that are contraceptive or lower fertility. The following instructions will come with your purchase: Do not yoni steam after insemination if you plan to conceive. Our fertility yoni steam herbs prepares the uterus leading up to insemination. Once you have been inseminated do not proceed to yoni steam. We will provide you with an ovulation chart and clear details.
    • What is ph balance?
      Ph balance is a term used to describe the microbiome or flora of the vagina. The is located on the inside of feminine sex organ and maintains an acidic environment for killing infection causing pathogens and for other interesting reasons. This microbiome or ph balance can be disrupted for many reasons including diet, mineral deficiency, poor hygiene, and sexually active activities. The term Ph Balance, has been widely misused to market feminine hygiene products. The truth is the vagina's ability to fight candida and other pathogens has has little to do with the ph chart (acidity and alkalinity) and more to do with mineral and probiotic efficiency.
    • What is it?
      Our PH Balance tea is an herbal remedy which assists the vagina in flushing out toxins. The vagina uses an intricate formula to maintain it's ph which has little to do with the ph chart (acidity and alkalinity) and more to do with mineral and probiotic efficiency. Our tea consists of probiotics and mineral such as iron, magnesium and lactobacillus which are efficient enough to nurture the vagina for a balance ph or healthy flora.
    • How to use?
      When it comes to herbal remedies, the longer the herbs steep or infuse the stronger the remedy becomes. We recommend steeping the herbs for at least 15- 20 min in hot boiled water or allowing them to soak in your purified water over night. Instructions and measurements are included with every purchase.
    • When to use?
      Our Ph Balance tea is a preventative as well as active remedy. For preventive measures drink after intercourse and after the menstrual cycle. For an active remedy, drink for reoccurring bacterial vaginosis and/or yeast infection. If problem persist, please consider consulting a physician.
    • Description
      We took years formulating the liquid version of our Powdered PH Milk Bath and it's finally here! Our milk bath remineralizes the water making your bath time safe for Feminine sensitivity. Bathing is a necessary part of Feminine hygiene. It is also crucial to soak in warm-hot water more consistently to shrink fibroids and cysts as well as to treat other uterine ailments. Baths have always been an ancient way of healing.
    • What is ph balance?
      Ph balance is a term used to describe the microbiome or flora of the vagina. The is located on the inside of feminine sex organ and maintains an acidic environment for killing infection causing pathogens and for other interesting reasons. This microbiome or ph balance can be disrupted for many reasons including diet, mineral deficiency, poor hygiene, and sexually active activities. The term Ph Balance, has been widely misused to market feminine hygiene products. The truth is the vagina's ability to fight candida and other pathogens has has little to do with the ph chart (acidity and alkalinity) and more to do with mineral and probiotic efficiency.
    • How to use?
      For the most luxurious, milky, silky bath experience add the entire bottle to your bath water along with other salts and herbs to boost its mineral and probiotic efficiency and prevent candida forming pathogens.
    • Ingredients
      Distilled Water, Glycerine, Magnesium Oil, Coconut, Glyceryl Stearate, Cetearyl Alcohol, Optiphen, Clove, Vitamin E
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